Appreciation Roses are a time-honored Convention tradition dating back to the 1970’s. Sisters show their appreciation by writing notes of gratitude, encouragement and kindness to other Convention-goers and gifting them with a rose applique for their nametag.
NOW Appreciation Roses are available for all sisters, not just Convention attendees.
Send Roses in two ways:

1) Send an eCard
eCards arrive almost instantly in your sister’s email inbox or via a text message, or you can schedule it for a different date. (Multiple eCard options available!)
2) Request Appreciation Roses be mailed to you
Prefer pen and paper? Attending Convention and need a little more time to write your notes? Let us know how many you’d like us to mail to you. (Minimum is five Appreciation Roses.) Your package will include appliques /gold roses, notecards and envelopes. (Shipping is included in the price of the roses.)
Attending Convention:
Pre-ordering mailed Appreciation Roses ends on June 13. If ordered after this date, your package will be available at the Appreciation Rose Table at Convention. eCards can continue to be sent through July 15. Physical Appreciation Roses will be available at the Rose Garden on-site at Convention in Atlanta, GA, June 27-30!
Not Attending Convention:
Mailed Roses will be available until June 13. eCards will be available through July 15.
Appreciation Roses are presented by the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation and benefit the Foundation’s Annual Fund (area of greatest need). Only one-time donations of $50+ will result in a tax-deduction to the extent allowed by US law and Foundation donation credit.