Spread the word about Day of Giving on March 26 and share your love for our sisterhood using the suggested email templates below!
General Sample Email (pre-event):
Hi, (NAME),
Have you heard about the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation’s annual Day of Giving?
This 1,904-minute event raises money for scholarships, sisters in need, disaster relief, mental health initiatives, fighting hunger and SO MUCH MORE.
#AlphaGamGives features Matches, Challenges and competitions for multiple audiences and several causes – all you have to do is pick the one closest to your heart!
Gifts of all sizes count and make a difference.
Visit alphagamgives.org to learn more and make your gift. I hope you’ll join me on March 26 beginning at 6 a.m. ET. It’s a celebration you don’t want to miss!
General Sample Email (during event):
Hi, (NAME),
The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation’s seventh annual Day of Giving has begun!
Join me in trying to raise [insert your personal Ambassador goal] for the Foundaton. It’s ambitious, but I know we can do it!
Visit alphagamgives.org to follow our progress, donate and encourage family and friends to donate!
P.S. Act quickly! The celebration concludes at 1:44 p.m. on March 27.
General Sample Email (during event):
Hi, (NAME),
We're halfway through the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation's annual Day of Giving!
Ambassadors hope to raise $28,000 and right now we’re at [NUMBER]. Can you help us?
Money raised directly helps Alpha Gam sisters and communities, creating opportunities for sisters and fighting hunger across North America.
Visit alphagamgives.org to follow our progress, donate and encourage family and friends to donate!