


Foundation Scholarship applications are now closed. Applicants will be notified of their application status early-mid June.

Review the Scholarship Application Guide and FAQ.

For more information, contact the Foundation Office here or call 317.663.4242. To ensure you are the first to hear about the launch of this year’s scholarship application, please keep your contact information up to date with the Fraternity. Members may update their information in myAlphaGam.


Congratulations to the 2024-25 Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Scholarship Recipients!

Initiated collegiate and alumnae members of Alpha Gamma Delta in Good Standing with the Fraternity are eligible to apply for Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study. Applicants must:

  • Be classified as an undergraduate Junior, undergraduate Senior or Graduate Student for the academic term in which the scholarship is awarded. (Note: You may be a sophomore during the application process).
  • Be enrolled full-time at the academic institution conferring their degree during the fall academic term.


Several chapters have scholarships only available to members initiated into that chapter. When applying for a scholarship from the Foundation, applicants from these chapters are qualified for the chapter’s endowed scholarship, as well as a General Foundation Scholarship.

Click here to see if your chapter has an endowed scholarship.


View the general scholarships and Centennial Scholarships offered by the National Panhellenic Conference.