If we’ve learned anything over the last few years, it’s that reliable and effective internet access is critical to the academic success of our sisters.
To ensure they have the best resources possible to flourish this upcoming school year, our Upsilon sisters need upgraded Wi-Fi equipment, as the current equipment has reached its lifespan and is no longer up-to-date.
The use of stable, high quality internet is a necessity. As the use of technology continues to spread to all areas of life, it is paramount our women have the technology they need to succeed in their educational journey.
A gift to Upsilon's Educational Area Grant will have a direct impact on our members and their academic journey. Thank you for believing in women's education!
What's new at Upsilon?
- 2022 Convention Awards:
- Honor Roll for Most Improved Financial Support
- Honor Roll for Best Financial Support
- Honor Roll for Academic Progress
- Financial Management Award
- Recruitment Progress Award
- 2022-23 Jewel Society
- 26 years as a Jewel Chapter
- 2022-23 Top 10 Donating Chapter
- 2022 first place winner for Sooner Scandals
- CAC Howdy Week Chair- Abby Ball
- CAC Fall Family Weekend Chair- Maddie Ramirez
- CAC Homecoming Chair- Emma Williams
- CAC Secretary- Logan Longacre
- The Big Event Chair- Stevi Wampler